Jersey Flag
The Channel Islands and the Great War
Guernsey Flag

The Jersey Contingent
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6th July, 1919.

To His Excellency, the Lieut. Governor of Jersey


Now that the War is over I should like to bring to your notice the splendid services rendered by the Company of Jerseymen attached to the 7th Battalion, Royal Irish Rifles.

The Company, composed entirely of volunteers, was raised in Jersey early in the War and was incorporated as a complete Company in the 7th Battalion, the Royal Irish Rifles which arrived in France in December 1915, and was absorbed into other units in November 1917.

As Commanding Officer of that Battalion during that period, I wish to express my admiration and appreciation of the behaviour and devotion to duty of the Jersey Company.

At the battle of the SOMME, at WYTSCHAETE and at YPRES, as well as for long periods in the trenches, they bore themselves as brave well disciplined soldiers who will be remembered with affection by all who had the honour to serve with them.

I have the honour to be, Sir,
Your obedient Servant,
(Signed) SG FRANCIS, Colonel,
The West Yorkshire Regiment

20th March, 1919.

To His Excellency, the Lieut. Governor of Jersey


Now that the last men from Jersey attached to this Battalion have been demobilised, I should like to place on record that their behaviour and devotion to duty have been all that could be desired.

While there have been many cases of individual bravery, all have performed their duties in an exemplary manner, both in and out of the line.
All ranks of this Battalion are sorry to say "Goodbye" and in wishing them the best of luck in the future, hope that they won't entirely forget the 1st Battalion, 60th Rifles.

Field Marshal F Grenfell, Colonel Commandant of this Regiment has been informed of their services.

I have the honour to be, Sir,
Your obedient Servant.
(Signed) CA HOWARD, Lieutenant-Colonel,
King's Royal Rifles, Commanding 1st Battalion

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