Midshipman John R Barber
Royal Naval Reserve. H.M.S. "Ebro"
(Armed Merchant Cruiser)

1914-15 Star
Son of Lieut. Daniel Barber (R.N.),
and Mrs. Barber, of "Woodlands," Alderney, Channel Islands. Born at
Killed when acting as armed guard on *Norwegian steamship
6th March 1917. Aged 19 years
*SV NAJADE was sunk on 21 March 1917 by U59.
The Najade was boarded on 6 March west
of the Faeroes at, 61' 31"N by 11' 10" W and
ordered to head for Kirkwall in the Orkneys. She was
subsequently sunk on 21 March at 53' 35" N by 2'
17" W near Fair Isle, between the Shetlands and