Alderney (St Anne) Churchyard
Torpedoed in channel north of Alderney
Son of the late Robert and Ellen Bennett, husband of
Margaret Bennett (nee Wall), of Aghada, Co. Cork. Born
at Plymouth
Lost, aged 47 years
Built in Scotland and owned
by the Liverpool, Brazil & River Plate Steam Navigation
Company the 415' long cargo ship Pascal was torpedoed
and sunk by SMS U-70 about 16 miles from Alderney Island.
She was heading from Halifax to Cherbourg when the torpedo
struck on Dec. 17, 1916. The seventh victim of the U-70,
but the twenty eighth ship sunk by Kapitänleutnant
Otto Wünsche. He took the master prisoner and left
the scene. Two of the crew were lost in the sinking.
© 2008 Michael W.