Private Edwin Brouard
5th Battalion, Wiltshire Regiment
Born at Vale, Guernsey. Only son of Mr. Stephen and
Rachel Brouard, of the Quatre Chemins, Vale. Enlisted
at and resident of Guernsey. Killed in action at Dardanelles,
aged 24 years.
Guernsey Weekly Press Saturday September
11th, 1915:
"The news reached Mr. Stephen
Brouard, of the Quatre Chemins, Vale on Saturday, of
the death of his only son, Private Edwin Brouard, who
was killed in action at the Dardanelles on August 8th.
Private E. Brouard enlisted last November in the Wiltshire
Regiment. He was a fine example of a Britisher, for
he came home from America expressly to join the new
Army. He was refused several times, but persisting,
he was at length accepted to his great delight. While
in Guernsey he worked for some time with Mr. Alfred
Sebire, of the Vidocq, Vale. Mr Stephen Brouard, the
father is employed in the stone trade and works at Sandy
Hook, Llslet."