Private John Sydney (Jack) Guppy
5th Battalion, Dorsetshire Regiment

1914 Star
Youngest son of George James and Louisa Guppy, of 3,
Rue de Bouillion, St. John's, Guernsey. Born at St.
Helier, Jersey. Enlisted at Guernsey. Resident at St.
John's, Guernsey.
Killed in action by shrapnel during the unsuccessful
assault on Kiretch Tep Sirt, Sulva, aged 25 years.
Guernsey Weekly Press Saturday September
11th, 1915:
"Last week a letter was received
in the Island from Pte. Robert West, of the 5th DORSET,
son of Mr. Arthur West of the Bouet, in which reference
was made to the death of Pte. Jack Guppy, youngest son
of Mr Geo. Guppy, of 3 Bouilion Lane. According to Pte.
West’s letter, Pte. Guppy was killed by shrapnel
during the fighting in Gallipoli, Offical news has now
been received by Mr. Guppy to the effect that his son
was killed in action on August 9th. Pte Jack Guppy was
formerly in the employ of the Guernsey Gaslight Co.
Last October he enlisted in the 5th Dorsets (New Army),
being at the time on the reserve of the Royal Guernsey
Artillery. He proceeded to Grantham for training and
passed out as a first class shot in the machine gun
section. On July 2nd his Battalion left for the Dardenelles.
On July 25th he wrote to his relatives, stating that
his regiment was about to go into action, and this was
the last letter received from him. Pte. Guppy was 26
years of age, and was unmarried.