Gosport (Ann's Hill) Cemetery
Notified as accepted for commemoration by CWGC May
ex-PLY/6267 Private RMLI (11 years 317
days), re-enlisted 4/8/1904; Discharged completed length
of service 15/10/1913; Re-entered 2/8/14; Deal Bn. (listed
as Portsmouth Bn. in the 1914 Star Roll) at Dunkirk
& Defence of Antwerp 1914; MEF(Dardanelles) 28/4/15-8/1/16
; MEF 9/1/16-26/2/16 to UK Leave, rejoined 1st RM Bn.
BEF 6/6/16-1/10/18 Invalided to UK; Acting Corporal
24/8/16; Acting Sergeant 16/1/17; Reverted to Private
2/10/18; Certified Insane at RN Hospital Haslar 5/11/18;
Transferred to RN Hospital Gt. Yarmouth from RN Hospital
Haslar 20/11/18 (Dangerous Lunatic) ; Discharged Invalided
Papers missing from ADM/157/2725; 1st
RM Bn. 'C' Company (Lance Corporal Postman) UK Leave
party 26/2/16; A Porter; b. Alderney, Channel Islands
14/3/1874; Queen's South Africa Medal with clasp "Cape
Colony" (HMS "Niobe"); Mother, Mrs. Law,
Morning Hill, Alderney; Wife, Mrs. Beatrice Agnes Law,
18 Mill Lane, Gosport, later of 53 Byerley Rd., Fratton,
Portsmouth (widow of PO/12011 Private Henry George White,
2nd RM Bn. DOW 20/8/15); 1914 Star issued to widow 11/8/1921;
Globe & Laurel (RM Journal) Sept.18 p.150 = A son,
born 29/6/18 at 18 Mill Lane, Gosport, the wife of Acting
Sergeant W.Law; GRO = age 48, Yarmouth, Vol.4b, p.12,
Occupation: of Forton, Gosport, Private RMLI. Informant:
A.W.B. Livesay, Surgeon Commander in charge RN Lunatic
Hospital Yarmouth.

Acting Sergeant (Private) William Law
Royal Marine Light Infantry (Late of
Deal Bn. R.N. Div.)
1914 Star
Born at Alderney. Son of Mrs Law of Morning
Hill, Alderney. Husband of Beatrice Agnes Law of Gosport.
Died in RN Lunatic Hospital, Gt.Yarmouth
after Discharge (Invalided, Dangerous Lunatic) from Dementia
Paralytica, 2 years 3 months, aged 48 years.
Photograph courtesy of Frank
Grant from Findagrave.com