Tower Hill Mercantile Marine Memorial,

Sailor Jean Marie Le Gall
Mercantile Marine. S.S. "Earl
of Forfar" (Glasgow)
Possibly son of Yves Le Gall of 8 Park St., St Peter
Port, or son of Marie S Le Quintuil of York Hill, Alderney.
French born.
Died, aged 31 years.
Commonwealth War Graves Commission Record
An extract from the London Gazette dated
5th Feb., 1918, records the following:
"On the 8th November, 1916, a series of fires
and explosions occurred at Bakaritsa, Port of Archangel.
After the merchant ships had been got away from the wharves,
cries and moans were heard from the direction of a 100-ton
floating crane moored between the S.S." Earl of Forfar
"and the quay. The " Earl of Forfar " was
on fire fore and aft, and it was obvious that any attempt
to save life must be accompanied by the greatest risk,
the ship having explosives on board and the quay abreast
it burning furiously with intermittent explosions from
small arms ammunition."