Boatswain Francis (Frank) E Legg
Mercantile Marine
S.S. "Clearfield" (Newcastle)
Son of Mary Stephania and the late Alfred Edwin Edward
Legg. Husband of Hannah Legg (Nee Byron), of 21, Vere
St., Toxteth Park, Liverpool. Born at Piette, Guernsey.
Lost, aged 37 years.
Clearfield was a Merchant Navy tanker.
They sailed from Invergordon, Scotland, on 21st October
1916 bound for Hampton Roads in ballast, and passed
Cape Wrath on 23rd. The next day his ship went missing,
and is believed to have been sunk by a torpedo from
the German U-boat U55 off the Flannan Islands North
West of the Outer Hebrides. All the 36 men on board
were lost