New Munich Trench British Cemetery, Beaumont-Hamel,
France Somme
Son of Alfred Noel and Louisa Arabella Le Messurier
of 14 Clarendon Road, St Helier, Jersey. Husband of
Winifred Lucy Le Messurier, of 16, Hungerford Rd., Camden
Rd., Holloway, London.
Killed in action, Aged 32 years
Notice of Death appears in Jersey
Evening Post of Friday 24 November 1916
NEWS ITEM in Jersey Evening Post
of Friday 24 November 1916
Roll of Honour. We regret to report the
death, which has taken place in action, of 2nd Lieutenant
Cecil Cooper Le Messurier of the Bedford Regiment. The
gallant officer was the third son of Mr A N Le Messurier
of 14 Clarendon Road, and gave up a promising career
to serve his King and Country and had been in France
for some time. We tender the bereaved family our sincere