Cross Roads Cemetery,
Fontaine-au-Bois, France Nord
Son of William John &
Clara Lavinia Le Page (née Falla) of Braye Road,
Vale, Guernsey. Enlisted at Guernsey. Resident at Vale,
Cousin of Gunner Alfred
Killed in action at Favril,
aged 21 years

Remembered on:
Island (Bailiwick) Memorial,
St Peter Port, Guernsey
Vale Parish Memorial, Guernsey
Oddfellows Memorial, St Peter Port
Landes du Marché Ecole Baptiste RoH
War Graves Commission Record
Gunner Osmond William Le Page
"A" Bty. 161st Bde., Royal Field Artillery

1914-15 Star

Guernsey Press 13/11/1918