Albert Communal Cemetery Extension, France, Somme

(courtesy of Gary Willcocks)
France 3/5/16
Dear Mum & Dad,
Thanks very much for letter received also welcome parcel.
I am glad to know you are quite well. I am A1 myself,
having a nice time. We are having an easy time at present.
The weather is beautiful over here. I suppose you are
having the same your way. Well dear Mum my friend &
I enjoyed the cakes very much also chocolates. I was
very pleased with the tin box with the false bottom
handy place for cigarettes, very neat the first I've
seen like that. Well dear parents there is no news of
importance this way, so you must excuse shot letter.
I hope everything is going on well at home & that
you will all keep well I hope to see you all one day,
so au veuor.
With best love.
Your Loving Son
Albert xxxxx
P.S. Love to All xx
France September 12th 1916
Dear Mrs Mallett,
I would like to write a few lines to you dear Mrs Mallett
to try to express to you my deepest sympathy in the
loss of your son Albert.
I have been with him since the formation of the Unit
and am pleased to be able to tell you that he was one
of the most energetic and popular men of the Unit. A
more sincere comrade we could not wish for and his ever
smiling face will always be missed by us.
We all unite in offering you our sincerest sympathy
and trust that God will give you strength to bear your
I have delayed writing until had been Officially advised
as I did not care to be the first to break the sad news
to you.
On behalf of his fellow comrades in this Unit I will
leave you trusting that in the future years you will
find comfort in knowing that your son lived as brave
men live, every day doing some good turn and in the
end dying for a noble cause.
Wishing you and yours the best of health. I am dear
Mrs Mallett.
Yours sincere friend,
David S West, No 3670, Sergeant
7th Field Ambulance.
Lance Corporal Albert Percy Mallett
7th Field Ambulance, Australian Army
Medical Corps

1914-15 Star
Son of William James and Matilda Mallett,
of Havilland Vineries, Guernsey. Born in Guernsey.
Died of wounds in 57th Field Ambulance,
France, aged 22 years.
Remembered on:
Island (Bailiwick) Memorial, St Peter Port, Guernsey
St Peter Port Parish Memorial, Guernsey
The Grammar School, Guernsey
service record
War Graves Commission Record

Family Memorial in Foulon Cemetery, Guernsey
Notices in The Guernsey Press
25th September 1915
Now in Egypt. Is a son of Mr J Mallett, of Fermain, St
Martin's. He was employed at the Phoenix Mills as junior
26th August 1916
Mr and Mrs William J Mallett of Havilland Vineries, St
Martin's, received news on Thursday that their son, Lance
Corporal Albert Percy Mallett, of "B" Section,
Filed Ambulance, Australian Expeditionary Force, died
on July 28, as the result of wounds received in action.
Lance Corporal Mallett was 23 years of age, and left Guernsey
for Australia on July 7, 1912.
The notification was received in the following letter
written by Lieut R W Murphy, of the Administrative Quarters,
A I F:
Dear Madam, It is with deepest regret that I have to convey
to you the very sad intelligence that your son, No 3619
Lance Corporal Albert Percy Mallett, 7th Field Ambulance,
Australian Imperial Force, died of wounds on July 28,
1916, whilst serving with the British Expeditionary Force.
No further details have been received respecting the circumstances
surrounding the most unfortunate happening, but in the
event of any news coming to hand you will be communicated
I directed to express the heartfelt sympathy of the Commonwealth
Government to all those bereaved by this sad and irreparable
MALLETT-Died of wounds on July 28, 1916, while serving
with the Australians in France, Albert Percy youngest
son of William James Mallett, of Havilland Vineries and
Fermain, aged 23 years.
9th September 1916
Mr and Mrs Mallett and family, of Havilland Vineries,
wish to thank all kind friends who sympathised with them
also for letters and tokens of sympathy received in the
loss of their dear son, Lance Corporal Albert Percy Mallett,
Field Ambulance, Australian Imperial Force. Deeply regretted.
28th July 1917
In loving memory of our dear son, Lce-Corpl Albert P Mallett,
Australian A.M.C., age 23, fatally wounded in France,
July 28th, 1916
27th April 1918
Mrs H W Mallett, Oleah Villa, Foulon Road, has received
official news that her husband, Gunner Harold W Mallett,
R.G.A., (Siege Battery) has been admitted to hospital
in England suffering with lacerated hand and wounds in
his leg (severe). Gunner Mallett is the third son of Mr
and Mrs William J Mallett, Havilland Vineries.
A brother, Lce-Corpl Albert P Mallett Australians, was
killed in action on July 28, 1916.
Another brother, Gunner Fred G Mallett, R.G.A. (Siege
Battery) is serving in France.