Jersey Flag
The Channel Islands and the Great War
Guernsey Flag

Roland, J A

Nécropole nationale, Vadelaincourt, Vadelaincourt, Meuse

Nécropole nationale Vadelaincourt, Vadelaincourt, Meuse



Jules Alexandre Roulland (Roland)



Commemorated on:
Memorial Plaque from French Consulate's Office in Jersey. Now at St Thomas' Church, Jersey

Jules Auguste Alexandre Roulland (Roland)

Sous-Officier Jules Auguste Alexandre Roulland (Roland), Medaille Militaire
410th Regiment, French Infantry

Medialle Militaire


Louis Orvin

Born at Flamanville in 1883

Died of wounds at temporary hospital no.12 at Vadelaincourt, Meuse, aged 32 years


Courtesy of Guernsey Press & The Priaux Library, Guernsey