Tyne Cot Memorial & Cemetery, Belgium
15th July 1916
Mr T W Rousell, Albert House, South Esplanade, has received
a field service postcard from his son, Pte H Rousell,
Wilts Regt, stating that he has been wounded in one of
his legs and is in hospital in France.
22nd October 1917
Mr and Mrs Thomas W Rousell, of Albert House, South Esplanade,
received news on September 28th that their second son
Lce-Corpl H A Rousell, of the Wiltshire Regiment was instantly
killed by a sniper on September 20th. The news was conveyed
in a letter written by Lieut H A Gale, of the Wiltshire
Regiment, as follows:
I have the sad news to break to you of the death of your
son, Lce-Corpl Henry A Rousell of A Company. He was killed
in the battle of the 20th September by a sniper, and died
instantly. Lce-Corpl Rousell had been in my Platoon for
a long time and was well-known throughout the Company
for his absolute fearlessness, when last winter there
was a shortage of stretcher bearers he volunteered for
this dangerous duty, and soon became a non-commissioned
officer in charge of the Company of stretcher bearers.
It was while engaged in this work that he was killed.
He will be sadly missed by the whole of his Company, and
will ever be forgotten by his officers, to whom he was
known or his thorough trustworthiness.
Lce-Corpl Rousell was 25 years of age, and enlisted in
1914, for over 14 years he had been a driver in the employ
of Mr W Waldron, of the Charroterie. He served at the
front for 20 months and was here on furlough last July.
Five sons of Mr and Mrs Rousell have entered the Army,
Navy and Merchant Service.
Seaman Albert F Rousell, Royal Navy, is serving in France:
Seaman Thomas W Rousell and Frank Cyril Rousell are in
the Merchant Service:
Seaman William George Rousell, formerly in the R.N.V.R.,
is now serving on a mailboat:
Seaman Charles Owen Rousell was discharged from the Navy.
He enlisted in the Army and has now been invalided from
that service.

Private Henry A Rousell
6th Battalion, Wiltshire Regiment
Born at St Peter Port, Guernsey. Enlisted and resident
at Guernsey. Son of Thomas W & Francis B Rousell
of South Esplanade, Guernsey.
Killed in action, aged 27 years
Commemorated on the Island (Bailiwick)
Memorial, St Peter Port, Guernsey
Commonwealth War Graves Commission Record