St Sampson's Churchyard, Guernsey

The wall plaque commemorates parishioners who lost
their lives as a result of the war and were buried in
the churchyard.

"The funeral took place on Monday
afternoon, with military honours, of Pte. Walter Sands,
R.G.L.I., son of Mr Walter Sands, of Trafalgar, Vale,
who died recently at the Victoria Hospital, following
an operation. The Interment was at the St. Sampsons
Cemetery, and the Rev. Father Dorran officiated. In
the cortege were the bugle band of the R.G.L.I. and
a firing party and men of the same Battalion, in charge
of Sergt.-Major Le Poidevin. The coffin was born on
a gun-carriage, the coffin being draped with the Union
Jack. The 'Last Post' was sounded, and the firing party
fired three volleys over the open grave. The mourners
were Mr. W. Sands (father), Mr. Sands (Brother), Miss
Sands (Sister), Mr. and Mrs Urquoy. Mrs OMeara,
Mrs Smith, Mrs and Miss Lynch, Mrs and the Misses Philips,
and Messrs. A. and H. Philips. Wreaths were sent by
The Officers, non-commissioned officers and men
of the -- Battalion R.G.L.I. the Enticott family,
Mr and Mrs Fred Johns, and 'His workmates'. The undertakers
were Messrs. W. and E. Rabey, contractors of Le Vallon,
St. Martins."
War Graves Commission Record
Private Walter John Sands
2nd Battalion, Royal Guernsey Light

Son of Mr. Walter Sands, of Trafalgar Square, Vale,
Guernsey. Born and enlisted at Guernsey.
Died in Guernsey, aged 18 years
His headstone was saved after a landslip in the 1960s
and is now located in the Sally Port Magazine, Castle
Cornet, Guernsey.
Remembered on:
Island (Bailiwick)
Memorial, St Peter Port, Guernsey
Vale Parish Memorial, Guernsey
St Sampson's Churchyard Memorial,