Jersey Flag
The Channel Islands and the Great War
Guernsey Flag

De Ste. Croix, H A

Mendinghem Military Cemetery

Mendinghem Military Cemetery, Belgium

NEWS ITEM in Jersey Evening Post of Friday 17 August 1917

Corporal H de ste Croix Wounded. We regret to learn that Corporal H de ste Croix of the Hampshire Regiment was wounded on 11 August during the fighting in Belgium and is now in the 57th General Hospital. Corporal de ste Croix has previously been wounded during the fighting at Gallipoli and later in France.

NEWS ITEM in Jersey Evening Post of Wednesday 24 April 1918

Jersey Soldier Wounded and in Hospital. Mrs de ste Croix of Great Union Road last evening received telegraphic information that her son, Corporal H de ste Croix of the Hampshire Regiment, was admitted to the 64th Casualty Clearing Station on 20 April dangerously ill, suffering from shell wounds in the face and that permission to visit him could not be granted. The gallant Corporal has been wounded on four different occasions, twice at Gallipoli, once in the fighting in France and once in Belgium.

NEWS ITEM in Jersey Evening Post of Wednesday 1 May 1918

Roll of Honour. Recently we stated that Mrs de ste Croix of 29 Great Union Road had received telegraphic information that her eldest son Corporal Henry A de ste Croix of the Hampshire Regiment had been admitted to the 64th Casualty Clearing Station on 20 April suffering from dangerous wounds to the face, we now regret to chronicle the fact that last evening the mother received another telegram stating that her son had died on 21 April, the day following that on which he received his injuries. The late Corporal enlisted about 10 years ago and took part in the landing at Gallipoli with the famous 29th Division, he was twice wounded here and later proceeded to France, where he was again wounded. Following his recovery he returned to the Western Front where he has now, unfortunately, been called upon to make the supreme sacrifice. Of a somewhat retiring disposition the late Corporal, who was 27, was highly respected in the Island and his many friends and acquaintances will learn the above news with great regret. To the mother and the brother, Corporal P de ste Croix of the Royal Fusiliers who was honourably discharged through wounds, we would offer our heartfelt condolences.

Henry Alfred De Ste Croix

Corporal Henry Alfred De Ste. Croix
2nd Battalion, Hampshire Regiment

1914-15 Star

Son of Mrs. E. de Ste Croix, of 2, Phoenix Place, George Town, Jersey. Native of St. Helier, Jersey.

Died of wounds, aged 27 years


Notice of Death appears in Jersey Evening Post of Wednesday 1 May 1918

Commemorated on Haut de la Garenne Memorials, Jersey


Commonwealth War Graves Commission Record