Ruisseau Farm Cemetery, Belgium
Notice of Death appears in Jersey
Evening Post of Tuesday 9 April 1918
NEWS ITEM in Jersey Evening Post of Tuesday 9 April
Roll of Honour. It is with deep regret
we report that Centenier and Mrs Dorey of St John, the
parents of Gunner Elias G Dorey of the Royal Artillery
who had been missing since 31 October 1917 when carrying
out his duties as Signaller to his Battery, have now
received official notification that their son was killed
on the above date and buried at Ruisseau Farm British
Cemetery in Langmarck.
Elias Dorey, who was 24, was formerly in the employ
of Messrs Tunnard and was well known and very popular
locally. We tender the family our sincerest condolences
in their sorrow.
NEWS ITEM in Jersey Evening Post
of Tuesday 10 December 1918
In Memory of a Gallant Soldier. At Sion
French Wesleyan Chapel last evening a marble tablet
was unveiled to the memory of the late Elias George
Dorey of 290th Siege Battery Royal Garrison Artillery,
younger son of Mr & Mrs John Dorey of Brook Farm,
St Johns, who was killed in France in October of last
year. The tablet, which is the work of Mr A Gulliver
of 34 The Parade, has been placed on the northern side
of the building, the inscription is as follows "In
loving memory of Elias George Dorey of the 290th Siege
Battery Royal Garrison Artillery. Second and youngest
son of John & Elsie Dorey of Brook Farm, St Johns,
who was killed in action on 31 October 1917 aged 23
years & 9 months. Interred in Ruisseaux Farm British
Cemetery, north of Langemarck, Ypres, Belgium. Be thou
faithful unto death and I will give thee a crown of
life". The unveiling ceremony was performed by
Reverend T H Groves, Superintendent of the French Wesleyan
Circuit, in the presence of a large congregation. The
ceremony, which included a brief but appropriate address
by Mr Groves, was of an exceedingly impressive character.
Commemorated on St Johns Parish Memorial, Jersey
on Trinity Parish Memorial, Jersey
and on Sion Methodist Church Sunday School Memorial,
War Graves Commission Record