Ration Farm Military Cemetery, La Chapelle D'Armentieres.
Younger son of George and M.A. Gruchy, of Ronceville,
Jersey. Served in the South African Campaign. Educated
at Victoria College & Served in the South African
Killed in action, aged 38 years, at the head of his
men while engaging
the enemy near Armentieres.
Commemorated on family memorial in St Pauls Church,
OV Memorial, Jersey
St Saviour's Parish Memorial, Jersey
and on a private memorial in Green St Cemetery, Jersey.

Memorial in St Paul's Church, St Helier, Jersey
NEWS ITEM in Jersey Evening Post
of Wednesday 28 October 1914
Jersey Officer Killed at the Front. We
regret to hear that Mrs Gruchy of Ronceville has today
received a telegram from the War Office informing her
that her younger son Captain F Le M Gruchy has been
killed at the Front. Captain Gruchy, who was an Old
Victorian, was in the 1st Battalion Leicestershire Regiment
and had, we understand, passed the necessary examinations
for the rank of Major. To his mother and the other members
of the family we respectfully offer our sincere sympathy
Pictures courtesy of
Mike & Rosemarie Thomas & Victoria College