Voormezeele Enclosure no.3, near Ieper
Son of Samuel Honeycombe, of 1, Garly Ckehythe, Jersey,
and the late Marie J. Honeycombe.
Killed in action, aged 38 years
NEWS ITEM in Jersey Evening Post of Friday 1 November
Roll of Honour. We regret to learn that
Mr S Honeycombe has received definite news of the death
of his fourth son, Private W Honeycombe of the Hampshire
Regiment. The deceased soldier, who before joining up
was a tailor at Messrs A de Gruchy & Co, was reported
missing some time ago but it was hoped that news might
have come through to the effect that he was a prisoner
in the hands of the enemy. To the widow and her three
little children and to other members of the family we
tender our most respectful sympathy in their bereavement.