Chief Armourer Charles Edward Humphrys
Royal Navy. H.M.S. "Princess
1914-15 Star
Killed in action, aged 33 years
NEWS ITEM in Jersey Evening Post of Tuesday 6 June 1916
The Naval Battle. The relatives of Petty
Officer C Humphrys of HMS Princess Royal were shocked
yesterday to receive a telegram from the Admiralty stating
that the sailor had been killed in action. Petty Officer
Humphrys had scores of friends in the Island who will
regret to hear of his decease.
A total of 26 Jerseymen are believed to have lost their
lives in the Naval Battle of Jutland on 31 May 1916
and on HMS Hampshire which sank on 6 June 1916 after
striking a mine off the Orkneys.
NEWS ITEM in Jersey Evening Post
of Wednesday 14 June 1916
A Tribute to a Gallant Jerseyman. The
following letter received from the Lieutenant Commander
of HMS Princess Royal on which Chief Armourer C E Humphrys
lost his life during the naval battle shows in what
esteem this gallant Jerseyman was held by the officers
of the battleship. The letter reads "Dear Mrs
Humphrys, This is just a line to express my heartfelt
sympathy with you in the loss of your gallant husband.
I am the officer of his
Action Station Quarter; he has always been invaluable
for his great ability and I have never had the privilege
of serving with anyone who had a greater influence on
all through his splendid character and the nobility
of his nature and example - he was a perfect gentleman.
I had a few words with him a few minutes before he was
killed, he was enjoying every moment of the fight and
was doing his duty as coolly and collectively as at
drill - he died painlessly. I know that you are feeling
that your great loss is irreparable but your heroic
husband has given his life to keep our homes inviolate
from the treacherous and barbarous foe.
With deepest sympathy yours most sincerely,
A GERALD HARRIS, Lt Commander".
(Photograph courtesy
of Mr R Amy, Great Nephew)