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The Channel Islands and the Great War
Guernsey Flag

Larbalestier, A N

Freshwater (All Saints) Churchyard, Isle of Wight

Freshwater (All Saints) Churchyard, Isle of Wight


NEWS ITEM in Jersey Evening Post of Monday 29 May 1916

Jersey Soldier Killed in the Isle of Wight. We regret to learn that news has been received in the Island of the death as a result of an accident of Private Arthur Larbalestier, third son of Mr H Larbalestier of Eastbourne House, Havre des Pas. No details of the sad occurrence are to hand. The deceased, who was 36, was employed in the Quartermasters Stores of his Battalion and was highly esteemed by everyone. He leaves a widow who proceeded to England this morning. We offer our sincere condolences to the bereaved.

NEWS ITEM in Jersey Evening Post of Tuesday 30 May 1916

The Late Private Larbalestier. We understand that Private Arthur N Larbalestier of the Duke of Cornwalls Light Infantry, who as we stated yesterday had been accidentally killed, met his death as the result of a bomb exploding while at practice. Three other men were killed and 32 injured. It appears that a rifle grenade which was supposed to have burst on concussion was placed in the gun to fire, the explosion causing the above mentioned serious injuries. The funeral takes place tomorrow afternoon at 2.30 at Freshwater, Isle of Wight. Mr J Larbalestier, brother of the deceased, crossed this morning to attend the obsequies.

NEWS ITEM in Jersey Evening Post of Wednesday 31 May 1916

The Late Private Larbalestier. News was received in the Island yesterday that Private A N Larbalestier met his death by falling over a cliff near The Needles on Saturday evening and not by the bomb explosion which took place in the Isle of Wight the same day.


Arthur Norman Larbalestier

Private Arthur Norman Larbalestier
3rd Battalion, Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry

The third son of Master of sailing pilot boat Edward Charles Larbalastier and the late Eugenie Larbalastier, of Eastbourne House, Harve Des Pas, St Helier. Married with one child.

He died after accidentally falling down a cliff in the Isle of Wight, aged 36 years.

Commonwealth War Graves Commission Record

NEWS ITEM in Jersey Evening Post of Thursday 1 June 1916

The Late Private Larbalestier. The following paragraph referring to the death of Private A N Larbalestier appeared in Tuesday's Daily Mail under the heading "Plucky Climb Down a Cliff". How two men went down a cliff near Tennyson Beacon, Freshwater, Isle of Wight to look for the body of Arthur Larbalestier, who fell 425 feet while throwing stones, was told at the Inquest at Freshwater yesterday. By means of ropes an unknown man was let down some distance and then Private Hughes of the Duke of Cornwalls Light Infantry was lowered to within about 100 feet of the bottom, both were unable to find the body which was recovered later by boat. The Coroner said he and a visitor wished to give Hughes ten shillings for his plucky act, and if the other man came forward he would be rewarded too


Pictures courtesy of Doug Walton