Private Edgar Arthur Le Blancq
12th Battalion, Royal Sussex Regiment

1914-15 Star
Born at St. Saviour's, Jersey. Second son of Mr Philip
J & Isabel Le Blancq of Jersey.
Killed in action, aged 21 years.
NEWS ITEM in Jersey Evening Post
of Saturday 16 December 1916
Roll of Honour. News has been received
by the relatives of Private Edgar Le Blancq of his having
been killed in action somewhere in France between 17
- 18 October. The deceased, who was serving in the Royal
Sussex Regiment, was a son of Mr P J Le Blancq who formerly
conducted a business establishment at 74 King Street.
He originally proceeded to the Dardanelles and come
over here on sick leave some time ago and was then sent
to France. We offer our sympathy to the family. He was
one of those whom it would be hard to replace. After
referring to the valued help given at all times to the
Society by their late comrade, Mr South went on to say
that the noble example set by him was one that could
well be imitated by others. Mr C S Bisson, who spoke
feelingly of the grand example set by the late Private
Igo, said he was a staunch member of the Society, a
valued friend and an ardent worker. Sympathetic reference
was also made to the deceased by Mr W Warren. During
the interval Miss Amy Noel sang "Nearer My God
to Thee" and Mr E Pelluet sang "True 'til
Death", the last item being one of the deceased's
favourite songs. A letter received some time ago from
Private Igo by Miss Le Gros was also read and showed
how cheerfully the brave lad had undertaken the duties
imposed upon him as a soldier of the King. At the close
the organist, Mr Le Gros, an intimate friend of the
deceased, played Chopin's funeral march, those present
standing meanwhile. The service throughout which was
most impressive closed with the Benediction.