Vignacourt British Cemetery, Somme
Notice of Death appears in Jersey Evening
Post of Thursday 30 May 1918
Commemorated on St Mary's Parish Memorial, Jersey
NEWS ITEM in Jersey Evening Post
of Thursday 30 May 1918
Roll of Honour. We regret to record the
fact that another young Jerseyman, John F Le Moignan
of the Royal Garrison Artillery, who loyally volunteered
in November 1916, has been called upon to make the supreme
sacrifice. This soldier, who resided with his parents
at Les Grandes Rues, St Marys, served an apprenticeship
with and was later employed by Mr J B Le Quesne of St
Johns as a carpenter. His parents received a letter
a few days ago stating that he was in the best of health
so that the shock they received on being handed the
following official wire can be imagines "Regret
to inform you 61st Casualty Station reports your son,
Gunner J F Le Moignan, Siege Battery, died 19 May. Aerial
bomb wound, right side fractured". We tender
the parents and other members of the family our heartfelt
sympathy in their sorrow.
Commonwealth War Graves Commission Record