Military Cemetery, Haisnes, Pas de Calais
of Death appears in Jersey Evening Post of Thursday 3 August 1916
ITEM in Jersey Evening Post of Thursday 3 August 1916
Roll of Honour.
Another soldier of the Jersey Company Royal Irish Rifles, Rifleman A Pennec,
has made the supreme sacrifice. The sad information was conveyed to the soldiers
relatives by Company Sergeant Major J Le Breton, who writing from the Front, says
"Trenches - 29 July 1916. Dear Mr Pennec, I deeply regret having to inform
you of the death of Rifleman A Pennec, who was killed by a grenade on the morning
of 28 July. I extend to you on behalf of myself, the NCOs and men of D Company
our sincerest sympathy. He was buried with the other Jersey boys at the back of
Tenth Avenue. Your brother was a great favourite with all members of the Company
and will be greatly missed.
Yours sincerely, J LE BRETON, CSM D
Company 7th Battalion Royal Irish Rifles".
deceased soldier's brother, Corporal
Toussaint Pennec of the 8th Battalion Rifle Brigade, was killed in action
last January. We extend to the parents, who now reside in Guernsey, and to the
other relatives in Jersey our sincere condolences in their bereavement.