Jersey Flag
The Channel Islands and the Great War
Guernsey Flag

Malet de Carteret , P R

Portsmouth Naval Memorial Memorial

Portsmouth Naval Memorial

Southsea Common

Philip Reginald Malet de Carteret

Midshipman Philip Reginald Malet de Carteret
Royal Navy. HMS Queen Mary

1914-15 Star

Eldest son of Jurat Reginald Malet de Carteret (1865-1935), Seigneur of St. Ouen's Manor in Jersey.

Killed in action, aged 18 years.


More details

Notice of Death appears in Jersey Evening Post of Saturday 3 June 1916



Commemorated on St Ouen's Parish Memorial, Jersey

NEWS ITEM in Jersey Evening Post of Saturday 3 June 1916

The Naval Battle - Jerseymen Amongst Those who have Perished. The terrible news of the great naval battle has cast quite a gloom over the Island for a number of Jerseymen are known to have been serving on one or another of the vessels that have been lost. Amongst these is Midshipman Philip Reginald Malet de Carteret, son of Jurat R Malet de Carteret, who was serving on HMS Queen Mary. The deceased officer was on leave in Jersey some weeks ago and was present at one of the sittings of the Royal Court. We offer our sincere sympathy to the members of the bereaved family.

NEWS ITEM in Jersey Evening Post of Monday 5 June 1916

Roll of Honour. Midshipman P R Malet de Carteret, whose lamentable death on HMS Queen Mary we reported on Saturday, had seen much fighting during the present war. Whilst serving on HMS Canopus he took part in the memorable Battle of the Falklands and later was engaged at the Dardanelles and had sent home graphic accounts of both these engagements. He had proved himself to be a most efficient officer and bade fair to carry on the noble traditions of the de Carteret family. We again express our heartfelt sympathy to Jurat and Mrs Malet de Carteret in their bereavement.
A total of 26 Jerseymen are believed to have lost their lives in the Naval Battle of Jutland on 31 May 1916 and on HMS Hampshire which sank on 6 June 1916 after striking a mine off the Orkneys.

Philip Reginald Malet de Carteret

Memorial in St Ouen's Church, Jersey

Philip's medals

NEWS ITEM in Jersey Evening Post of Monday 19 June 1916

The Late Midshipman P R Malet de Carteret - In Memoriam Service. Simple in character but most impressive was the In Memoriam service held yesterday afternoon at St Ouens Church for Midshipman Malet de Carteret, son of Jurat & Mrs R Malet de Carteret, who made the supreme sacrifice on HMS Queen Mary during the naval battle of 31 May. A very large congregation was present in the sacred edifice, these being representatives of all grades of society, not only of the Western district but of the whole Island. The bell was tolled while the congregation was assembling, a number of Boy Scouts from St Ouens and St Simons Troops also lined the pathway near the porch, two colour bearers carrying a draped Union Jack and naval ensign. The municipality of St Ouen assembled at the Parish Hall and marched to the Church followed by many people. Whilst "O Rest in the Lord" was being played the Boy Scouts marched slowly up the aisle and the colours were handed to the Rector who placed them on either side of the altar. The service then commenced with the singing of "Eternal Father Strong to Save" after which the Reverend J Pepin read the opening sentences from the Order of the Burial of the Dead. The Benediction having been pronounced by the Rector the National Anthem was sung and the colours, having been returned to the standard bearers, the service was brought to a conclusion.


Memorial window in Grouville Parish Church, Jersey