Portsmouth Naval Memorial
Southsea Common
Midshipman Philip Reginald Malet de Carteret
Royal Navy. HMS Queen Mary
1914-15 Star
Eldest son of Jurat Reginald Malet de Carteret (1865-1935),
Seigneur of St. Ouen's Manor in Jersey.
Killed in action, aged 18 years.
Notice of Death appears in Jersey
Evening Post of Saturday 3 June 1916
Commemorated on St Ouen's Parish Memorial, Jersey
NEWS ITEM in Jersey Evening Post of Saturday 3 June
The Naval Battle - Jerseymen Amongst Those
who have Perished. The terrible news of the great naval
battle has cast quite a gloom over the Island for a
number of Jerseymen are known to have been serving on
one or another of the vessels that have been lost. Amongst
these is Midshipman Philip Reginald Malet de Carteret,
son of Jurat R Malet de Carteret, who was serving on
HMS Queen Mary. The deceased officer was on leave in
Jersey some weeks ago and was present at one of the
sittings of the Royal Court. We offer our sincere sympathy
to the members of the bereaved family.
NEWS ITEM in Jersey Evening Post
of Monday 5 June 1916
Roll of Honour. Midshipman P R Malet de
Carteret, whose lamentable death on HMS Queen Mary we
reported on Saturday, had seen much fighting during
the present war. Whilst serving on HMS Canopus he took
part in the memorable Battle of the Falklands and later
was engaged at the Dardanelles and had sent home graphic
accounts of both these engagements. He had proved himself
to be a most efficient officer and bade fair to carry
on the noble traditions of the de Carteret family. We
again express our heartfelt sympathy to Jurat and Mrs
Malet de Carteret in their bereavement.
A total of 26 Jerseymen are believed to have lost their
lives in the Naval Battle of Jutland on 31 May 1916
and on HMS Hampshire which sank on 6 June 1916 after
striking a mine off the Orkneys.