Grouville (La Croix) Cemetery, Jersey
NEWS ITEM in Jersey Evening Post
of Monday 8 October 1917
Roll of Honour. Another young Jerseyman
who has given his life for his Country is Thomas Peter
Ounan, who died at his parents residence in Hue Street
on Saturday after a long illness. This young man was
a former member of St Pauls Boy Scouts and volunteered
for service in the Royal Navy. He was for a considerable
period on duty in one of the patrol boats but contracted
a serious illness which he was unable to shake off and
passed away as stated above, in his 23rd year. We tender
the relatives our sincere sympathy in their bereavement.
NEWS ITEM in Jersey Evening Post
of Thursday 11 October 1917
Funeral of Jersey Hero. The funeral of
the late Thomas Peter Ounan who, as we have stated previously,
died on Saturday aged 23 of illness contracted whilst
serving on one of HM Ships took place yesterday. The
cortege, which consisted of the glass panelled hearse
and three mourning coaches, arrived at St Pauls Church
at 2.30. The deceased had for several years been a member
of the St Pauls Troop of Boy Scouts and some 20 lads
of that unit, with representatives from the St Simons
Troop, lined the pathway, the cortege passing through
their ranks into the sacred edifice where the first
portion of the burial service was impressively conducted
by Reverend A Poynder. At the conclusion the cortege
again passed through the ranks of Scouts, who also attended
the church service. The interment was at La Croix Cemetery
in Grouville, the Reverend Poynder reading the committal