Sapper Adolphus Pezet
56th Field Company, Royal Engineers
Born in England. Only son of Albert (Jersey born) &
Vanda Pezet of St Peter Port, Guernsey
Killed in action, aged 23 years
NEWS ITEM in Jersey Evening Post of
Tuesday 17 August 1915
Roll of Honour. Yet another Jerseyman
has made the supreme sacrifice, Sapper Adolphus Pezet,
who was the only son of Mr Pezet of 15 Ann Street and
had latterly been residing with his wife and child in
Pembroke, South Wales. He joined the Royal Engineers
soon after the outbreak of war and some months ago was
reported missing. The family had for some time been
hoping that favourable news would come through, but
official intimation has now been received that the Sapper
was killed in action at Neuve Chapelle. To his widow
and family we beg to tender our sincere sympathy.