Tyne Cot Memorial & Cemetery, Belgium
Notice of Death appears
in Jersey Evening Post of Thursday 30 August 1917
Commemorated on Halkett Place Primary
School Memorial, Jersey
St Ouen's Parish Memorial, Jersey
NEWS ITEM in Jersey
Evening Post of Monday 18 September 1916
Another Casualty in the Royal Irish Rifles.
Rifleman W Risbridger was wounded whilst taking part in
the recent Great Push. We wish the gallant lad a speedy
NEWS ITEM in Jersey
Evening Post of Thursday 30 August 1917
Roll of Honour. Our sympathy goes out to
Mr & Mrs Risbridger of Mossgiel, Les Landes, St Ouen's
who have received news of the death of their second son,
Rifleman William George Risbridger of D Company Royal
Irish Rifles. The deceased, who was 21, joined the original
Jersey Contingent. Prior to joining up he was employed
as a gardener by Mr Walker of The Poplars, Millbrook and
was one of the first members of the St Ouen's Boys Brigade.
His father is an old soldier and he has three brothers
now serving their King and Country.
Commonwealth War Graves Commission Record
Rifleman William (Willie) George Risbridger
7th Battalion, Royal Irish Rifles
(Jersey Overseas Contingent)

1914-15 Star
Second son of Henry & Elvina Risbridger of Mossgiel,
Les Landes, St Ouen, Jersey. Formerly gardener for Mr
Watkins of The Populars, Milbrook, and one of the first
members of the St Ouen's Boys Brigade.
Killed in action at Frezenberg, aged 21 years.
NEWS ITEM in Jersey Evening Post
of Saturday 29 September 1917
Memorial Service at St Ouen. A short time
ago we chronicled the death in action of Rifleman William
George Risbridger of the Jersey Company Royal Irish
Rifles. This soldier was one of four brothers who volunteered
at the call of King and Country and the three other
brothers have all been wounded. The deceased gallant
soldier lived in the Western District and having been
a member of St Ouen's Boy Scouts a memorial service
will be held tomorrow afternoon at 3.15pm at St Ouen's
Church, to which all the parishioners are invited.
NEWS ITEM in Jersey Evening Post
of Monday 1 October 1917
In Memoriam Service at St Ouen's for Jersey
Heroes. A brief but most impressive In Memoriam service
was that held at St Ouen's Church yesterday afternoon
for three gallant lads from the Western District who
loyally volunteered when they saw their Country's need
and who have now been called upon to make the supreme
sacrifice. The three were connected with the St Ouen's
Troop of Boy Scouts, a small unit which has a grand
record of service, and a Patrol of this Troop attended
the service, their numbers being augmented by some 15
lads of the St Paul's Troop, who marched from Beaumont
to pay the last honours they could to their gallant
countrymen. The Scouts occupied seats in the chancel
whilst among the large congregation present was Jurat
R Malet de Carteret and representatives of the local
Boy Scouts Association. The Reverend J Pepin conducted
the service in a most impressive manner, the names of
Sergeant du Heaume, Rifleman Risbridger and Corporal
Luce being mentioned in the prayer immediately before
the Collect, added impressiveness was given by the chanting
of the 90th Psalm and the singing of the hymns "O
God Our Help", "Jesu Lover of My Soul"
and "Peace, Perfect Peace". The benediction
having been pronounced Mr W S Pincott, who was at the
organ, played Marche Funebre, the whole congregation
standing meanwhile.