Ramleh War Cemetery, Israel
Notice of Death appears in Jersey Evening Post of Monday
7 October 1918
Commemorated on St Mark's Church Memorial, Jersey
Commemorated on memorial in Masonic Temple to Freemasons,
NEWS ITEM in Jersey Evening Post of
Monday 7 October 1918
Roll of Honour. The many friends of Private
Walter Dale Single of the Dorset Regiment, son of Mr
& Mrs Walter Single of 104 St Saviours Road, will
regret to learn that the parents have received the sad
news that the soldier was killed in action on 19 September,
whilst serving with the Egyptian Expeditionary Force.
The late soldier was a well known and popular member
of the Militia Brigade Band and being a talented violinist
was an acquisition to several orchestral societies.
He was in his 24th year and previous to joining up was
employed by his father in his growers business. To the
bereaved parents and sister we tender our sincere condolences
in their sorrow.
War Graves Commission Record