La Vallee-Mulatre Communal Cemetery Extension, near Le Cateau

Family memorial in St Martin's Churchyard, Jersey
Jersey Evening Post of Monday 4 November 1918
Roll of Honour. It is with very sincere
regret that we chronicle the death which took place
in action somewhere in France on 27 October last of
Bombardier Everard C Stent, eldest son of Mr & Mrs
T C Stent of 1 Lansdowne Villas, St Lukes. The deceased
was formerly a prominent footballer and one of the most
popular members of the Jersey Wanderers Football Club,
he played in many an inter-insular match, always with
credit to himself and advantage to his side. He followed
his father's profession of schoolmaster. Of an unassuming
but most genial disposition Everard Stent had a very
wide circle of friends who will learn of the death of
so fine a young fellow and so gallant a soldier with
great sorrow. To his father and mother and other members
of the family and to Miss Elsie Gruchy of La Prevalaie,
Grouville, the deceased's fiancee, we would offer our
respectful condolences. The following is an extract
from a letter sent by a Gunner in Bombardier Stent's
battery "He was not at all well this morning
and stayed in bed, but hearing someone was wounded he
rushed out in his bare feet and started bandaging when
another shell came on and killed all that were near,
Everard amongst them. If ever there was a man whose
life had not been lived in vain he is that man and I
am very proud that he was a pal of mine. He was recommended
for the Military Medal some time ago but his whole life
since he joined up has been a record of thought for
others and he was loved by every man in the Battery.
We have lost the bravest and most unselfish man I have
ever met and, to me, it is like losing my brother".

(Courtesy of Richard Stent)
Stent Family Group
Standing: Cicely (Cissy), Everard Chandler,
Ernie Holman.
Middle row: Mother, Emily Mary (née Mollet),
Joyce and father Thomas Chandler Stent.
Front: Geoffrey George Stent
The photograph is believed to be from