Lance-Corporal William Denis Sweeney
Royal Irish Rifles (Jersey
Overseas Contingent)

1914 Star
Son of Edward Sweeney of Great Union Road, St Helier,
Killed in action, aged 24 years
NEWS ITEM in Jersey Evening Post
of Saturday 16 September 1916
Roll of Honour. It is with deep regret
we state that another of the gallant Jersey Company,
Rifleman W D Sweeney, has made the supreme sacrifice.
This sad news was conveyed by letter to the relatives
through Rifleman W F Le Feuvre of the Jersey Company,
who has himself been wounded. The writer states that
Denis, as he was known by a large circle of his friends,
was killed in action on 6 September. He concludes "he
went into action with his usual smile and died a hero's
death. You have lost a dear brother and I have lost
a good chum". The late Rifleman was only 24
and previous to leaving for active service was employed
by Mr W R Russell of Charles Street. He was a brother
of Reverend Sweeney, Chaplain to the Forces, and the
news of his death will be received with regret by a
large number of friends and acquaintances who always
found him a cheerful companion. We offer the bereaved
relatives our sincere sympathy.