Tyne Cot Memorial & Cemetery, Belgium
Notice of Death appears
in Jersey Evening Post of Thursday 28 March 1918
Commemorated on OV Memorial, Jersey
St Saviour's Parish Memorial, Jersey
Island (Bailiwick) Memorial, Guernsey
St John's Parish Memorial, Guernsey
St Peter Port Parish Memorial, Guernsey

NEWS ITEM in Jersey
Evening Post of Thursday 28 March 1918
Roll of Honour. It is with sincere regret
we chronicle the death which took place in action on Wednesday
20th March of 2nd Lieutenant Gerald Mauger, second son
of Mr & Mrs Clarence G Mauger of 37 Gloucester Street.
The deceased gallant officer was 25 and was very popular
amongst a large circle of friends and acquaintances in
this Island, which he visited on leave only a few weeks
ago. He held an appointment in Guernsey and when the call
came joined the 1st Royal Guernsey Light Infantry with
whom he was fighting on the Western Front. We tender the
bereaved parents and other relatives our sincere sympathy.

Second Lieutenant Gerald Mauger
2nd Bn. attd. 1st Bn. (formerly Pte.
794) Royal Guernsey Light Infantry
Second son of Mr and Mrs Clarence G Mauger of 37 Gloster
Street, St Helier, Jersey. Husband of Grace Mauger (nee
Robilliard) of 4 Springfield Terrace, King's Road, Guernsey.
As he was working in Guernsey he joined the local Regiment.
One of two brothers who both fell. Brother of Private
Ernest Mauger.
Commissioned from the ranks of RGLI.
Educated at Victoria College, Jersey.
Killed in action, aged 23 years.
NEWS ITEM in Jersey Evening Post
of Monday 1 April 1918
The Late Lieutenant Mauger. Referring
to the death in action of 2nd Lieutenant G Mauger the
Guernsey Evening Press says "2nd Lieutenant
Mauger, who was 25, was the son of Mr & Mrs Clarence
Mauger of St Helier, Jersey and was for many years a
clerk in the local branch of Capital and Counties Bank.
He volunteered twice and ultimately served for some
months in the ranks of the RGLI. He left for an officers
training school at Fermoy in July of last year in company
with his brother-in-law, Mr C T W Clark. They returned
together in November and both were gazetted 2nd Lieutenant
about Christmas, and left the Island for active service
six weeks ago. In October 1916 Mr Mauger married Miss
Grace Robilliard, third daughter of Mr & Mrs P E
Robilliard, and there is an infant son".
Commonwealth War Graves Commission Record