Private George Ernest Mauger
5th Battalion, East Surrey Regiment
Elder son of Mr & Mrs Clarence George Mauger of
37 Gloucester Street, St Helier, Jersey. Educated at
Victoria College. One of two brothers who both fell.
Brother of Second Lieutenant Gerald
Died of dysentry in Cawnpore, aged 26 years
NEWS ITEM in Jersey Evening Post
of Friday 16 April 1915
Death of a Jerseyman in India. Mr &
Mrs Clarence G Mauger of 37 Gloucester Street have received
the following letter from the officer commanding the
5th East Surreys in India with reference to the death
of their son who joined the Battalion at the outbreak
of war and succumbed to an attack of dysentery at Cawnpore
last month. The letter speaks for itself and reads
"Cawnpore. March 17 1915. Dear Mr Mauger, Long
before you receive this letter you will have heard the
sad news of the death of your son who was serving as
a Private with my Battalion, and I would like to convey
to you and your family my very deepest sympathy with
you in your bereavement. During February my Battalion
was in camp but two companies had to be left here on
Garrison Duty, your son's company being one of them
and it appears that he obtained leave to visit Lucknow
for a couple of days. Not feeling very well when there
he went to the hospital but it was not thought necessary
to detain him. However, on his return to Cawnpore he
was admitted to our station hospital where in spite
of every possible attention he gradually got weaker
and weaker and died on 15 March, the actual cause of
death was acute dysentery. His body, covered with wreaths
and flowers from his comrades and others, was drawn
by men of his Company on a gun carriage to the cemetery,
the band meanwhile playing suitable music. The whole
service was conducted in the military way and it was
most impressive. The Chaplain conducted the service
and I had the privilege of showing my last respects
by reading the Lesson. I have felt extremely grieved
at the loss of your son as he was such a straight forward,
honest and good young fellow, always setting a good
example to his comrades. I know that his comrades have
started a subscription for the purpose of putting up
a suitable stone on his grave. Please accept the renewal
of my very great sympathy for you.
R K HARVEY. Lt Col Commanding 5th Battalion
East Surrey Regiment."